Brazil football legend Alves tried for rape in Spain

A woman who accused former Brazil football star Dani Alves of rape gave evidence Monday on the first day of his trial while her cousin said the nightclub attack had ruined her life.

The victim, whose identity is protected, testified for over an hour from behind a screen, with court sources saying this was to avoid her being “visually confronted” by Alves who listened in the court in a white shirt and jeans.

The victim’s testimony was only seen by the judge, her face was pixellated and her voice modified to avoid her identity being exposed in case any footage was leaked.

The 40-year-old Alves, one of the world’s most acclaimed footballers following a career that saw him play at Barcelona and Paris Saint-Germain, is accused of raping the woman in a VIP section of a Barcelona nightclub in the early hours of December 31, 2022.

Alves, who was arrested three weeks later and has been detained ever since, denies the charges against him. The defender was brought to court in handcuffs

Prosecutors are calling for a nine-year jail sentence followed by 10 years of probation and have demanded he pay 150,000 euros ($162,000) in compensation to the victim.
