Marxist Group ELN believed to have Kidnapped Luis Diaz's Father

The Colombian Government has announced Luis Diaz's father was kidnapped by the National Liberation Army (ELN) terrorist group.

The Government said it was informed during peace talks with the organisation that the ELN was responsible for the kidnapping of both Diaz's parents last weekend.

His mother Cilenis Marulanda was released a few hours later, but his father Luis Manuel remains missing five days later.

Otty Patino, who is representing the Government in the talks, confirmed they had been informed the ELN were responsible for the kidnapping.

'Today we have officially learned that the kidnapping carried out on October 28, in Barrancas, department of La Guajira, of which Luis Manuel Díaz and Cilenis Marulanda, father and mother of the soccer player Luis Fernando, were victims Díaz Marulanda, was perpetrated by a unit belonging to the ELN,' the statement read.

'Although Mrs. Marulanda was released a few hours later, the player's father has been kidnapped for five days.

'As a delegation of the National Government for peace talks with the ELN, we express all our solidarity with Luis Díaz, his family, with the entire country and with the millions of followers of the player in the world.

'We demand that the ELN immediately release Mr. Luis Manuel Diaz, and we remind him that it is his entire responsibility to guarantee his life and integrity.

'We remind the ELN that kidnapping is a criminal practice, violative of International Humanitarian Law, and that it is its duty in the development of the current peace process, not only to stop carrying it out, but also to eliminate it forever.

'As part of the development of the agreement on the Ceasefire, our delegation will present this case to the current Monitoring and Verification Mechanism, and will carry out all necessary actions to achieve the immediate release and with guarantee of the life and integrity of Mr. Díaz.'
