Man who mocked Bradley Lowery given suspended sentence and football ban

A man has been given a suspended sentence and a five-year football ban after being captured on camera mocking the death of child mascot Bradley Lowery.

Dale Houghton, from Rotherham, pleaded guilty to a public order offence at Sheffield Magistrates' Court in October and received a 12-week sentence suspended for 18 months.

He is also required to carry out 200 hours of unpaid voluntary work in the community.

Bradley was diagnosed with rare cancer neuroblastoma when he was just 18 months old and died aged six in 2017.

Houghton was seen holding up a picture of Bradley and laughing in the stands at Sheffield Wednesday's match against Sunderland at Hillsborough on Friday September 29.

An image of the incident was met with outrage on social media and sparked an apology from Sheffield Wednesday.

In his sentencing remarks, the judge called the actions of Houghton, 32, "appalling and disgraceful" and said that he "inflicted trauma on an already bereaved family".
