FA urged to award honorary England cap to Asian trailblazer Frank Soo

The Football Association is being urged to award wartime international Frank Soo an honorary cap after the East Asian trailblazer was appointed to the Stoke-on-Trent Sporting Hall of Fame.

Soo, whose father was Chinese, became the first player of Asian heritage to represent England when he appeared in a wartime international against Wales in 1942. Soo, who was raised in Liverpool and turned out for Prescott Cables as a teenager, played in nine England wartime matches between 1942 and 1945.

A Stoke City legend, Soo was also the first person of East or South East Asian (ESEA) heritage to appear in the Football League, making more than 250 appearances for the Potters where he was a former team-mate and captain of Sir Stanley Matthews.

Matthews even lined up for England in wartmine matches alongside Soo, who would later go on to play for Leicester City, Luton Town and Chelmsford City.
