Rebel group make Statement confirming Conditions for Release of Luis Diaz Father

The guerrilla group holding Liverpool star Luis Diaz’s father hostage have demanded "security guarantees" in exchange for releasing him.

The left-wing ELN said it understood the anguish of his family in its first official statement since promising the world nearly four days ago it had started the process of securing Luis Manuel Diaz's release. Diaz made an emotional plea for his father to be freed after scoring against Luton on Sunday.

But in its response to that plea, the ELN accused the Colombian government of complicating things with the response triggered by the kidnap nine days ago when it swamped areas like the Perija Mountains near Barrancas in the Diaz family's home region of La Guajira with elite police and soldiers. 

The ELN, which says a regional unit called the Northern War Front kidnapped Luis Manuel from his home town of Barrancas last Saturday afternoon, have issued a statement signed by the unit’s leader, Commander Jose Manuel Martinez Quiroz.

It said: “On November 2, we informed the country of the decision to release Mr. Luis Manuel Díaz, father of the player Luis Díaz. From that date, we began the process to accomplish this as soon as possible. We are making efforts to avoid incidents with government forces
