Sheffield Utd boss Heckingbottom admits doubts over Man Utd defender Giggs due to ban


Sheffield United boss Paul Heckingbottom admits they may miss out on Manchester United defender Zach Giggs.

The young defender is trialling with the Blades academy, but a transfer ban could see a deal blocked.

Speaking about how the embargo affects the academy, and specifically Giggs, Heckingbottom told Yorkshire Live: “There's nothing I can say on it, but I know he's [Giggs] in. It would be Del [Derek Geary, Academy Manager] making a decision on that.

"We had a meeting last week talking about the scholars and the lads who are going to stay on and be a first-year pro. It's important to be involved in it but I want them to back their decision. It wouldn't be independent but if someone has been working with a player for four weeks and wants to put their name to them then brilliant, I'll back them.

"I don't know Zach's situation [with Man United]. I am not privy to it at all but we can't sign players. We have had lads in who we want to sign but we can't sign them and we have lost some and they have gone elsewhere or they are on trial elsewhere now.

“If we get it lifted we can start recruiting again. It's still the same in the academy if you are a pro. If someone is coming in as a pro we can't sign them, it all depends on the type of contract."
